Driving in Canada - 9 Interesting Facts
By Madinah on Jan 16, 2021
If you ever get a chance to visit Canada, the first thing you need to learn is its driving laws. As strange as it sounds, they feel weird to follow, as well. No doubt, every state has particular traffic rules but Canada has shocking driving facts that might interest you.
Use The Beet Juice
Looking for a feasible option to get rid of snow layered on your park, garage, or roadside? Take beet juice and mix it well with salt. Now use this paste to de-ice the road snow. In Canada, it is a common practice because of its biodegradable feature. Besides, it is an easy and quick way out.
Adding to your surprise, the use of beet juice was first familiarized in Ontario.
Uncommon Traffic Signs
Whenever yTu are driving on the Canadian roads, regardless of the province, you will get a chance to see quite interesting board signs either warning the drivers or informing them. For instance, “Deer Crossing” and “Falling Rock” are commonly seen across Canada. They are installed for safety but for the new residents, the signs can be confusing.
Do you know how many distinctive signs are there that you can only find in Canada? More than 2,000 signs. Yes, you have heard it right. That’s why it is advised to look for all the essential traffic sign boards before hitting the road.
Every Canadian Province Has A Separate Driver’s License
Usually, when you move to a foreign country, the drivers are granted a single driver’s license or permit for traveling in all the states. But it is not the case in Canada!
To get your Canadian driving license, you need to pass a series of tests that vary between provinces. Save time and money by applying for the license grant from the specific province where you are living. In case you have moved to another province, you need to obtain your updated valid driving certificate according to the laws of the current province.
Highways Mean No Horse Racing
It is one of the strictest traffic rules of Canada but also a funnier one. As per the orders of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario, no one is allowed to do horse racing as long as they are within the Canadian highway limits. And it is not only for the horse but all types of animal racing.
In a mood for fun or want to have an old times horse riding experience? You can travel by horse on highways only if it has a pair of bells hanging from its saddle or cart. It will keep the traffic alert otherwise stay off the Canadian roads and especially highways.
Two Essentials To Keep While Driving In Canada
Driving for the first time in Canada? If yes, then you need to remember one thing, actually two: shovel and sunglasses. It's better to be prepared rather than regretting later.
No matter if you are driving in winters, snow, or rain, keep your sunglasses and shovel in the car. You must be asking why we need sunglasses in winters. The answer is fairly logical. The reflection caused by the sunlight as it falls on the roadside snow can blind you at a turn or intersection. It goes without saying but keeping a shovel will come in handy if you ever get stuck on a road due to snowfall. Dig your car out of the layered snow and continue the journey.
Graduated Licensing System
To get a valid driver’s license from Canada’s government, you need to be graduated in a complete licensing system. Unlike other countries, this graduated licensing system is required to make sure that the driver has the driving skills and traffic knowledge to drive safely. You must pass all three stages:
G1 is a learner’s permit
G2 is a probationary license
G is a full license
In other states, all it takes is a few months to get a license but in Canada, you would be needing a long time of 5 years to be able to drive legally.
No Right Turn In Montreal
Are you standing at a traffic signal and thinking about taking a right turn on a red light? Yes, you can turn your vehicle right ONLY if you are not in Montreal. No driver is allowed to take a right turn in Montreal and this rule is only reserved to this specific state. Taking a right turn on a red light is considered a privilege not a driver’s right.
Different State Means Different Traffic Rules And Laws
The traffic laws and rules are somewhat similar in all the Canadian states but every province has certain rules that are different depending on the location. To keep yourself safe from the road tickets and penalties, we advise you to read a handbook of the particular province you are moving to. Plus, it is a good idea to get acquainted with the traffic rules and road laws of the province where you are planning to stay.
No Honking On Roads
Where honking the horn is taken as a safety protocol to make the road users alert, in Canada it is not allowed to honk the horn until and unless you are in an emergency. In all Canadian provinces, honking is considered a signal for an emergency.
This might be startling but in case you are caught honking the horn on roads only because you are in a hurry or have a slow driver ahead, you will be heavily fined. In Quebec, it goes as minimum as $100. So, never forget to practice some “horn etiquettes”.