12 Safe Driving Tips For Heavy Rain

By Madinah on Jan 22, 2021
12 Safe Driving Tips For Heavy Rain

Driving in rain is as dangerous as driving in the snow. Similarly, controlling the vehicle on wet roads is as much challenging as controlling it on icy roads.

Whenever you plan to hit the road in rainy weather a driver must adjust the vehicle's equipment and personal driving style, accordingly. To have a safe drive in a heavy downpour, you need to be extra diligent and alert. Losing control over your car is the worst of the driving situations. The basics are to calm your nerves, act smart, be patient, take time to turn or make a stop, and do not forget to stay within the speed limits to minimize the chances of hydroplaning.

Tips To Have a Safe Drive-In Heavy Rain

Here are some of the most important tips that let you drive safely even in heavy rainstorms.

No Accelerating Or Over-speeding

The best and most essential advice is to SLOW DOWN the vehicle. Instead of rushing at high speeds, drive at the speed you are comfortable with.

One of the reasons to decelerate is that it will provide you satisfactorily enough time to anticipate the situation and make a smart informed decision. Speeding high will not offer you time to react sensibly to any serious condition. Cruising on wet roads increases the chance of accidents because of the minimized visibility and skidding. Peak speed will only make driving harder. Reduced speed is beneficial in rains.

Cruise Control Is Not Helpful 

In rainy weather, the use of cruise control is not recommended. It causes unnecessary tire slipping and hydroplaning. As we say, the best driver is one who acts vigilantly, so it would be better if you keep your focus on the gas and brake instead of activating cruise control.

Hydroplaning-A Major Hazard

Do you know what hydroplaning is? The state where your vehicle starts slipping or gliding on the wet surface due to lack of contact between the tires and the road. Pretty dangerous! 

It is advised not to drive through the standing water or else you will lose traction. You should always drive around the roads where you don’t see the water collected in a pitch. Making sudden turns will also cause hydroplaning.

Unfortunately, if you ever get in this situation, you need to be patient and let the pressure go off the gas pedal. Gradually, start steering in the direction you want to drive at a slow speed. 

Be Cautious Of The Slippery Roads

It goes without saying but rain makes the roads slippery, extremely slippery which increases the risk of vehicle skidding in the wrong direction. Wet roads make the vehicle harder to steer. Where in dry weather, engine oil and grease hold up the vehicle on the road for a steady ride, the inclusion of water with oil and grease make for a slick drive.

Drive Around The Large Puddles

Due to standing water, you will not be able to know the depth of the hole or puddles.

Seeing a large puddle? Steer your car in the other direction to avoid unnecessary inconvenience. Deep puddles will not only make the tires rough but the splashing water can damage the car’s engine and other motor equipment.

Do Not Drive On Edges Of The Roads

It is a common practice to keep the road central part high and sideways lower to let the water flow instead of getting collected in the puddles. It is especially done in Canada. As with the sides sloping down water will run-off. That’s why it is recommended not to drive on the edges but in the middle line.

Don’t Forget To Check Your Car

Before going out, always make sure that your vehicle is in absolutely good condition and will offer a safe drive even if it is raining. All motor equipment must be functional. Check for brakes and suspensions. See if the headlights, rear lights, and windshield wipers are damaged and need a replacement. Having balding tires will strikingly reduce the vehicle traction especially on wet surfaces. Check for a defroster because you might be needing it to clean the fogged-up windshield.

No Hard Brakes 

Precaution is always better than regret so while cruising on the wet roads put a brake earlier. Keep the pressure less and gentle. Keeping a focus on brakes will let you have a sufficient stopping distance. If you brake too hard, no matter if the pedal has touched the floor, your car will skid anyway and you will lose control.

Another way is to use brakes as little as possible. It means, keep driving at a slow constant speed. In short, you need to be extra gentle with steering, braking, and accelerating during rainy weather. 

Do Not Risk Going Into Running Water

Where driving in standing water is unsafe, passing through the running water is also hazardous. Behind the running water, you won’t know how deeper it goes or how forceful the flow of water is. Your vehicle may get a strike from the water flow, pushing you around a little.

Smart Use Of Headlights

Keep your headlights on whenever you are on the road even in the rainy weather. Rain reduces visibility and headlights will make your vehicle easy to spot. The use of high beams is not preferable as extra light bounces off the rain droplets causing a glare, a distraction. Heavy rain or misting, keep the vehicle’s headlights on.

Keeping A Safe Distance Ahead

Always keep a safe minimum distance between your and other vehicles around. In severe weather, you must double the distance to avoid the chances of collisions. Besides, the spray from the tires of the vehicle ahead can create a distraction blocking your view.

Do you know how much distance you must-have? Minimum 4-5 seconds.

Do Not Drive When Visibility Is Almost Zero

You must pull off the car immediately when you feel like you can see other vehicles coming or the road ahead. Driving in zero-visibility weather will not only put you at risk but also other road users.

Be sure to choose the right spot and do not forget to make your car visible by turning on your headlights, rear lights, indicator lights, or emergency lights.

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